
Baking-in bibliographic references directly into RDF / OWL ontologies

  • Posted on: 21 July 2024
  • By: warren

Not every part of an ontology is novel. Often enough we reuse existing works and standards to populate them. At other times the ontology implements policies and processes that are outlined in a document narrative but never before formalised into a data structure. To give credit where credit is due, and to ensure policy compliance, it can be worthwhile to integrate bibliographic citations and references directly within the ontology. Ontologies already exist to record bibliographic data.


Ontologies, what are they good for really?

  • Posted on: 1 February 2024
  • By: warren
Ontologies have a chequered past in the business arena, although many significant benefits have been realised over the past two decades in biological and medical research. Wrapped up in the AI hype and occasionally lumped in with knowledge management projects or taxonomy projects they are often shelved curiosities whose original purpose is lost by their champions. What is an ontology? Generally speaking, it is a set of concepts, their properties and the relationships that link the concepts together.